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Exterior Painting


Exterior Painting

A new exterior paint job in Baltimore County, MD offers a whole lot more than making your home look pretty. Painting the exterior of your home can be one of the greatest investments you’ll ever make as an owner. Just like new windows offer multiple benefits like reduced energy cost, increased property value, or temperature control, an exterior paint job with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore, MD offers a homeowner a bundle of benefits. It’s time to brush up on your exterior painting knowledge!

W & V Landscaping

Don’t underestimate the aesthetic value a fresh coat of paint can bring with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore, MD. Every time you pull into the driveway, you’ll feel a new sense of inspiration and connection to your home. Depending on your intention, you can use paints that will help you blend into your neighborhood, or you can go bold and choose to stand out, making your home the talk of the neighborhood. Curb appeal isn’t just for you. If you’re planning on selling your home, you need to consider that the first thing a potential buyer will see is the exterior of your property. Setting the right impression from the start can lead to higher offers and more interest. If they enjoy the exterior, they’re far more likely to venture inside.

W & V Landscaping

Renovations are key to increasing property value, but not all of them offer the same return on investment. A major kitchen renovation can sometimes yield a low return on investment. An exterior paint job with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore County, MD, on the other hand, can produce a greater profitable return on investment.

Intense sun rays can lead to blistering, peeling, and cracking exterior paint. Over time, as the paint begins to crack and chip away, your home becomes much more exposed to the elements. This can be a major problem when intense rain or other moisture becomes introduced to the exterior. Exposed wood is highly susceptible to issues like mold and mildew which can begin to break down the structure of your home. A new coat of exterior paint from W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore, MD can help seal off your home from the elements!

Termites can be a major problem for wood based homes. Being proactive in identifying a potential problem can save you thousands of dollars in structural damage. Assessing the condition of the siding of your home prior to painting can help spot any potential threats. In addition, adding a new coat of exterior paint with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore County, MD has the additional benefit of sealing off any areas, which can stop an infestation in its tracks.

A fresh coat of paint that compliments your landscape, siding, roof, etc, can create a harmonious balance with the exterior of your home. A new coat of paint with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore, MD can help to increase the life of your siding, regardless of the type of wood, vinyl, or other siding materials. Even if the new paint only adds a few years of life to the siding, that could be potentially thousands of dollars saved. A fresh coat of exterior paint can also cover up any minor blemishes or minor wear on the siding.

From keeping out the elements to insects to extending the life of the exterior, painting your house with W & V Landscaping exterior painting services in Baltimore, MD is one of the smartest investments you can make. The inherent value of exterior house painting will have you enjoying its many benefits for years to come. There’s more to an exterior paint job than just deciding on the right color and applying it to your home. There are many things to consider to make sure the job is done right, but arguably the most important is making sure you have the right people for the job. Hiring our exterior painting contractor can save you time and ensure that your new exterior paint job will be consistent and long-lasting.


Contact the professionals at W & V Landscaping today for a free one on one consultation.

We are confident that we can help bring to life your vision.

Call Us: 443-939-6258